Last Sunday's Bulletin Announcements:

Today The Eighth Sunday after Pentecost, regular worship schedule.
Next Sunday The Ninth Sunday after Pentecost, regular worship schedule.
Ushers: This month: Scott Radcliffe; Next Month: Doran Slater

Attendance Last Sunday: 24 Offering Last Sunday: (n/a)

WELCOME …to our guests who are sharing the Good News of the Gospel with us this morning. We ask you to sign our guest register before leaving, and we invite you to join us regularly for worship services. Every Sunday you will find words of life and peace through Jesus Christ - and a warm welcome from fellow believers - here in God's house. We're saving a place for you!

PRAYERS Please remember Jane Naumann in your prayers; she will undergo dental work under general anesthesia at Mary Bridge Hospital on Tuesday.

COMING UP ON THE CALENDAR July 24 will be Pastor Naumann's farewell Sunday; a potluck brunch following worship is planned. The family will be leaving on July 28. September 11 is now the date on which we hope to have Pastor Libby's installation here at Ascension, though that date is tentative at the present time.

CONFIDENTIALITY A member asked the pastor, "What are you going to tell the next pastor about me?" The answer: very little. It is customary that an outgoing pastor will not share any confidential information, opinions or impressions about members of the congregation with his successor. This allows the new pastor to develop his own relationships with his members, fresh and from scratch.

TRANSITION EXPENSES The voters asked that the congregation be reminded of the extra expenses that will be incurred as we transition to a new pastorate. These include moving expenses for Pastor Libby's family (est. $1200-1500), window repairs to the parsonage ($912.95), and various other maintenance items such as carpet cleaning. In addition, the congregation owes reimbursements to the pastor for utilities and ministry-related expenses stretching back about six months ($4019.48). Offsetting these expenses somewhat is the fact that only half the normal pastoral salary will be incurred during the months of July and August. Please keep these financial challenges in mind as you determine your offering in the coming weeks.

SECURITY …is a concern during the month or more that the parsonage will be vacant, July 28 through the first part of September. If there is any member who would be willing to stay at the parsonage during that time (or knows of someone), please contact the pastor.