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4501 Waller Road, Tacoma
Worship 10:00 a.m
Phone (253) 922-8736
Last Sunday's Bulletin Announcements:

Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost; regular worship schedule.
Next Sunday
Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost; regular worship schedule.
This month: Dan Darling; Next month: Jim Hanson

Attendance Last Sunday:
Offering Last Sunday:
$ 681.00

WELCOME …to our guests who are sharing the Good News of the
Gospel with us this morning. We ask you to sign our guest register
before leaving, and we invite you to join us regularly for worship services.
Every Sunday you will find words of life and peace through Jesus Christ -
and a warm welcome from fellow believers - here in God's house. We're
saving a place for you!

GREEK CLASS Would you like to learn the original language of the New
Testament? There is at least one member who has expressed interest in
a beginner’s class in New Testament Greek. If this sounds like
something you’d be interested in, please speak to the pastor so we can
come up with an agreeable class schedule.